Bunny fix

mosaic photo tiles of rabbits

Bunny Business

I am the proud mama of two mixed lop eared bunnies named Blazer and Hunny Bunny. These exquisite specimens aren’t mine, but serve to represent the overwhelming cuteness that I am enslaved by. I didn’t realize the vast repertoire of bunny facial expressions and gestures until I adopted my own. They listen intently, flop when contented, disapprove with the same intensity of grumpy old men and roar as fiercely as lions. I nabbed this tile mosaic from my latest obsession, flickr, and have joined two bunny communities thus far: BLU, short for Bunny Lovers Unite, and Bunny Bonanza. BLU boasts a membership of nearly 5,000 and also helps educate bunny people on the proper care and adoration of bunnies. You gotta love a site with informational links entitled, BLU’s picture guide to bunny poop  and No photos of entrancing, tonic immobility, hypnotizing rabbits as one of their group rules! Happy bunny fix. 🙂

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